BIG 和 Carlo Ratti Associati 在新加坡完成了花園式的 CapitaSpring 摩天大樓
BIG and Carlo Ratti Associati complete garden-filled CapitaSpring skyscraper in Singapore
建筑工作室 BIG 和 Carlo Ratti Associati 在新加坡完成了一座 280 米高的摩天大樓,旨在為游客提供“花園和城市之間的無縫過渡”。
這座 51 層高的多功能CapitaSpring大廈位于新加坡金融區的中心地帶,擁有由雕塑立面開口構成的大片綠色植物。
BIG and Carlo Ratti Associati complete garden-filled CapitaSpring skyscraper in Singapore
Architecture studios BIG and Carlo Ratti Associati have completed a 280-metre-tall skyscraper in Singapore designed to offer visitors a "seamless transition between the garden and the city".
Located at the heart of Singapore's financial district, the 51-storey mixed-use CapitaSpring building incorporates large pockets of greenery that are framed by sculptural facade openings.
▲ BIG 和 Carlo Ratti Associati 在新加坡完成了 CapitaSpring 摩天大樓
BIG and Carlo Ratti Associati have completed the CapitaSpring skyscraper in Singapore
它是由丹麥工作室 BIG 和意大利公司 Carlo Ratti Associati 在一個包含公共停車場和小販中心的場地上設計的,這是一個通常用于出售熟食的露天市場。
It was designed by Danish studio BIG and Italian firm Carlo Ratti Associati on a site containing a public car park and hawker centre – a type of open-air market that is commonly used to sell cooked food.
Inside there is a mix of restaurants and office spaces, alongside serviced apartments, a replacement hawker centre and a series of gardens that aim to bring nature to the city.
▲ 塔高280米
The tower is 280 metres tall
BIG 創始人 Bjarke Ingels 表示:“CapitaSpring 就像一個城市與鄉村、文化與自然可以共存的未來愿景,城市景觀可以不受限制地擴展到垂直維度!
"CapitaSpring is like a vision of a future in which city and countryside, culture and nature can coexist, and urban landscapes can expand unrestricted into the vertical dimension," said BIG's founder Bjarke Ingels.
"In our design, this manifests as a seamless transition between the garden and the city, articulated in the facades and a series of lush spiraling gardens connecting between various programs and filled with amenities representing a spectrum of use," added the studio's partner in charge Brian Yang.
▲ 內部的綠色植物由立面開口構成
Greenery inside is framed by facade openings
這座 93,000 平方米的 CapitaSpring 摩天大樓于 2018 年首次亮相。它由房地產公司 CapitaLand Development、CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust 和 Mitsubishi Estate 委托建造。
The 93,000-square-metre CapitaSpring skyscraper was first revealed in 2018. It was commissioned by real estate companies CapitaLand Development, CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust and Mitsubishi Estate.
▲ 整個摩天大樓都設有花園
Gardens feature throughout the skyscraper
Carlo Ratti Associati 的創始合伙人 Carlo Ratti 補充說:“當我們第一次被邀請參加建筑競賽時,我們看到了一個很好的機會,可以與 BIG 合作并攜手取得獨特的大膽成果!
"When we first got invited to join the architectural competition, we saw a great opportunity to team up and join forces with BIG to achieve a uniquely bold result together," added Carlo Ratti Associati's founding partner Carlo Ratti.
"I am proud of how we enhanced the public spaces across the building, creating the best experience for all users, leveraging both technology and unprecedented integration with natural elements."
▲ 一個四層高的垂直公園位于大樓的中心
A four-storey vertical park sits at the building's centre
CapitaSpring 擁有超過 80,000 株植物,反映了新加坡作為花園城市的聲譽,在其大部分現代建筑中都可以看到綠色植物。
Housing over 80,000 plants, CapitaSpring is a reflection of Singapore's reputation as a garden city, where greenery is found throughout much of its contemporary architecture.
Vertical elements across its facade are pulled apart to frame views of the pockets of green spaces and gardens that feature at its base, middle, and rooftop.
▲ 垂直公園像熱帶森林一樣景觀化
The vertical park is landscaped like a tropical forest
One of the most striking elements of the building is a four-storey vertical park named the Green Oasis, which is placed in the middle of the tower.
The four connected levels are filled with spiralling walkways and tropical plants and trees, designed as a space for everything from work and events to relaxation and exercise.
▲ 一個大的入口區域為熱帶天氣提供了庇護
A large entrance area provides shelter from tropical weather
大樓頂部是一個空中花園,擁有 150 種植物,為大樓的餐廳和咖啡館提供食材。
在地面層,BIG 和 Carlo Ratti Associati 創建了一個線性公園和公共廣場,為周圍的高密度金融區引入綠色公共空間。
這個公園區域包含蜿蜒的小徑,通向塔底部的一個 18 米高的空間,名為 City Room,它為建筑物的租戶和游客提供各種入口,并為熱帶氣候提供避難所。
Here, the landscape design is intended to echo the natural "plant hierarchy of tropical rainforests", where shade-tolerant plants with large leaves are found on the forest floor and species with a smaller leaf structure requiring more light are found at a higher position.
On top of the building is a sky garden, featuring 150 species of editable plants that provide ingredients for the building's restaurants and cafes.
At ground level, BIG and Carlo Ratti Associati have created a linear park and public plaza to introduce green public space to the surrounding high-density financial district.
This park area incorporates meandering pathways that lead to an 18-meter-high space at the base of the tower named the City Room, which houses various entrances for the building's tenants and visitors and a shelter from the tropical weather.
▲ 立面上的雕塑開口
Sculptural openings feature across the facade
該建筑的其他亮點包括新的商業中心,它位于塔樓的二、三樓,包含 56 個不同的食品攤位。
Other highlights of the building include the new hawker centre, which sits on the tower's second and third floors and contains 56 different food stalls.
Above it, the first eight floors of the building contain the serviced residences and their facilities, including a swimming pool, jogging track, kitchen and residents' lounge.
▲ 這里有屋頂露臺
There is a roof terrace
CapitaSpring還擁有辦公空間,占據了頂層的 29 層。 這些房間的開口讓租戶可以欣賞到新加坡河和濱海灣的全景。
新加坡建筑與綠化相結合的最引人注目的例子之一是由 Grant Associates 和 Wilkinson Eyre Architects 設計的濱海灣花園項目。 巨大的熱帶花園里有樹狀的塔樓、貝殼形的溫室和一個30米高的人造瀑布。
新加坡其他以種植為特色的摩天大樓是由 Kohn Pedersen Fox 和 Architects 61 設計的 175 米高的 Robinson塔樓,以及由 Heatherwick Studio 設計的住宅 EDEN 塔樓。
攝影:Finbarr Fallon
The office spaces complete CapitaSpring, occupying the top 29 floors. These rooms have openings that grant tenants panoramic views of the Singapore River and Marina Bay.
One of the most notable examples of where architecture meets greenery in Singapore is the Gardens by the Bay project by Grant Associates and Wilkinson Eyre Architects. The enormous tropical garden contains tree-like towers, shell-shaped greenhouses and a 30-metre-high man-made waterfall.
Other skyscrapers in Singapore that feature planting are the 175-metre-high Robinson Tower by Kohn Pedersen Fox and Architects 61 and the residential EDEN tower by Heatherwick Studio.
The photography is by Finbarr Fallon.